NEWS / 12 August, 2019Organizezi un team building în aer liber, dar te temi că ar putea ploua? Planifici o zi de naștere acasă, dar nu ai mobilier și veselă pentru toți invitații? Vrei să impresionezi oaspeții prin ceva deosebit, te-ai plictisit de decorul clasic? Summit Events te poate scăpa de griji și să ...
NEWS / 26 July, 2019În afară de evenimente business, Summit Events & Conference Center te ajută să organizezi evenimente de familie. Fie că optezi pentru un stil mai clasic de aranjare mese, sau dorești ceva mai extravagant, Summit Events se obligă să creeze acel decor care va fi potrivit evenimentului tău. Și pentru că ...
NEWS / 26 July, 2019Planning an outdoor event, but worried about the unpredictable weather? Thoughts about transportation outside the city giving you a headache? Summit Events has the perfect solution for you! The Summit Terrace is suitable for outdoor training, meetings, team-building activities, or as an option for a casual coffee break. The unpredictable weather forecast ...
NEWS / 29 May, 2019Your event can be extraordinary if you take care of even the smallest details… And if you entrust us to help you with the organization, know that we take care of all aspects. With a continuously updated inventory of furniture and accessories, we provide you with carefully selected furniture and ...
NEWS / 8 April, 2019On March 20, 2019, a new Summit & AND event took place in Barcelona Venue. This event was organized for partners by Summit Events & Conference Center, in collaboration with Academia Nicolae Dumitrescu. The theme of the training was ManagemAND of the projects – human always, with Peter-Vlad Ianuşevici as ...
NEWS / 16 October, 2018We, as humans, are complex but fascinating beings. Why? Because when we meet a certain person, we analyze them from head to toe, draw conclusions, and render the final verdict: either we accept the person or reject them. They either become a friend/partner/ally, or we disapprove to the extent that ...