A new Event by Summit – for Summit Friends
On March 20, 2019, a new Summit & AND event took place in Barcelona Venue.
This event was organized for partners by Summit Events & Conference Center, in collaboration with Academia Nicolae Dumitrescu.
The theme of the training was ManagemAND of the projects – human always, with Peter-Vlad Ianuşevici as a speaker. Charismatic Vlad organized a trip to Chisinau – Creta Cave, Greece – Chisinau with acrobatics between soft skills and hard facts while explaining the challenge of the 21st century – about the human factor between trust and control. The presentation was focused on the recent trip, with insights and tips, at the same time emphasizing the importance of project management, which has always been human and remains like that.
Stay tuned for the next event developed for the members of the Family Summit. We plan to organize it at the Terrace, thus offering participants a breath of open air right in the center of the city.
Because friendships are important, and Summit cares for his friends…