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NEWS / 25 January, 2024

2023 at Summit Events – the year in numbers

2023 has been both a challenging and rewarding year for Summit Events. But it has definitely been a memorable year. Analyzing the previous year is primarily a strategic exercise, motivating us towards improving our products and services. It is also a wonderful opportunity to review and share with you our achievements. 

In 2023, more than 24,000 people walked through the doors of the Summit Events Center. Below we’ve listed some other statistics that are important to us and we want to share them with you:

  • Successful events: more than 670 events were held in the halls of Summit Events Center, providing an enjoyable experience for the organizers and a delightful atmosphere for the participants to study, develop and network.
  • Outstanding partnerships: We have collaborated closely with over 10 national and international partners, including: Council of Europe, UN Women, IREX, GIZ, OSCE and many others.
  • A welcoming host: Summit Villa has accommodated over 350 guests from over 35 countries.
  • Full-service catering: We have delivered catering services in over 30 locations in and outside of Chisinau.
  • Diversity in organization: Summit team has contributed to the success of a wide range of events. We managed to count 21 types of events, including: conferences, workshops, trainings, masterclasses, birthday parties, etc.
  • Equipment and innovation: more than 25,000 euros have been invested in modernizing technical equipment to ensure that events would run flawlessly.
  • Social responsibility: Summit Events has participated in 2 charity projects: the Easter campaign “Joyful Meal” organized by the Social Mission “Diaconia” and the charity event “Power Catalyst”, initiated by the club “Interact Chisinau”, which aims to inform about career opportunities, promote personal development and education of the young generation. The responsibility towards the environment and the care for the community in which we operate is shown by zero petty cans sold and used at the events held in the conference center.

These numbers highlight  Summit Events’ ongoing commitment. From organizing conferences and trainings to creating gastronomic experiences at parties and special events, Summit provides the same high and consistent level of service. It’s also a certainty that we wouldn’t have had such a great 2023 if it weren’t for a dedicated and passionate team, as well as for willing and great clients and partners, who we genuinely thank for being part of our memorable 2023!

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